Course Description

This course is designed to provide an introduction to methods of literary analysis for students preparing to become English majors. We will explore how conventions of genre, form, and style work in literature and develop a conceptual vocabulary for the intelligent discussion of complex textual practices. Students will write regularly throughout the semester to practice the critical discourse expected of English majors.

Required Texts

Critical Terms for Literary Study. Ed. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin. U of Chicago, 1990. ISBN 0-226-47202-7
Text Book. 3rd Edition. Ed. Robert Scholes, Nancy Comley, and Gregory L. Ulmer. Bedford /St. Martins, 2002. ISBN 0-312-24879-2
A Barthes Reader. Ed. and introd. by Susan Sontag. New York: Hill and Wang, 1982.

Recommended Text

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Most recent edition. Ed. Joseph Gibaldi.

Required Reading

Students can expect to read approximately fifty per class meeting (and sometimes more). Some of this reading will be of a fairly advanced nature, involving concepts and references unfamiliar to you—you will want to allot ample time for re-reading!

Required Writing

• Three short (1000 thousand word) formal papers (15 points each)
• One longer (2000 words) formal paper (24 points)
• Seven brief responses (3 points each)
• An on-line reading journal (10 points)

The three short papers may be revised and resubmitted after reception of instructor's comments.

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

Plagiarism—the presentation of someone else's writing and/or thinking as your own—will result in immediate failure of the class and notification of the appropriate University authorities. Other forms of academic dishonesty are, likewise, not tolerated. If you think hard, and think for yourself, you'll be fine.

Attendance and Participation

Attendance of this course is mandatory. If you miss more than two sessions (the equivalent of one week of class time) without a medical excuse, your semester grade will be lowed one full grade. Students missing more than four sessions will not pass the class.
Your informed participation is perhaps the key ingredient to the success of this class. Come to class with questions and comments at the ready.

Notice: If you wish to request an accommodation for a disability, please speak with me or with Ann Smith, Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities (Onward Building, 1-2319) as early as possible in the semester.